Woke up this morning to a nice warm day and thought I would row into the marina on St Simons to find out about dockage.
There is a big cold front coming thru, I need to do some laundry, shower, etc. Plus I really could use a break and some solid ground.
At the dock I met Roger who has a big catamaran out in the harbor. Actually we are the only ones out there.
We got to talking which seems so easy to do with other sailors, and out of the blue said that he was taking some friends sailing would I be interested in coming along. Absolutely I would! To be able to go on a modern 40' cat and out into the Atlantic past the islands - in a heart beat.
His friends were Chuck, and Deb who live on the island. Deb had sailed with her ex husband for ten years in the carribean with their two daughters. She knew her stuff.
It ended up being a great day with lots of dolphin sightings, breeze, and an introduction to Cat sailing. This is clearly the future of live aboard sailing.
Roger the owner has lived and breathed these boat for 20yrs and he knew exactly how talk with us about what had to be done without barking orders. It was very calm and pleasent.
Getting back on Star I looked around I thought how little she is. And yes it would be nice to have a bigger boat with all amenities But Star does the job quite nicely.
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